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we ARE – Clariô Filmes

we ARE

The Production Company

Clariô, from Minas Gerais, translates into lightened, lit up, became day. The production company is born in 2013 in Rio de Janeiro, with DNA from Minas and belonging to the world. It arises from the aspiration for a model of audiovisual production more horizontal, diverse and collaborative. In different formats and windows, Clariô excels at bringing to the screen, relevant and inspiring stories.

The Producer

Camilo Cavalcanti is a producer and documentary filmmaker. Curious and tireless, he started in the audiovisual industry with a happy chance in 2009. He migrated from working with children and young people with special needs to film production. “Producing is an organic process that requires adaptation, empathy, balance – just like pedagogy.” Camilo believes that the stories are manifested to the attentive storytellers.

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